Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Text File
631 lines
;** for B R I E F ver. 2.1 *
;** *
;** Clredit Macro - Create, change and delete colors in color.mnu *
;** *
;** By Tom Bentley December 1988 Ver. 2.0 *
;** *
;** (C) Copyright - All rights reserved *
;** *
(extern clr_buf_mnu clr_flag clr_buf_mnu clr_last_mnu)
(macro clredit
(int curr_buff)
(= curr_buff (inq_buffer))
(create_window 28 19 53 3 "(Edit,Del,Move Esc)")
(set_buffer clr_buf_mnu)
(attach_buffer clr_buf_mnu)
(assign_to_key "<Down-Arrow>" "menu_down")
(assign_to_key "<Up-Arrow>" "menu_up")
(assign_to_key "<Enter>" "clr_edit")
(assign_to_key "E" "clr_edit")
(assign_to_key "e" "clr_edit")
(assign_to_key "d" "clr_del 0")
(assign_to_key "D" "clr_del 0")
(assign_to_key "m" "clr_move")
(assign_to_key "M" "clr_move")
(assign_to_key "<Esc>" "exit")
(goto_line 1)
(drop_anchor 3)
(set_buffer curr_buff)
(message " ")
(set_buffer clr_buf_mnu)
(if (inq_modified)
(= clr_last_mnu 1)
(= clr_flag 0)
(while (== 0 clr_flag)
(goto_line clr_last_mnu)
(if (! (inq_position clr_last_mnu))
(++ clr_last_mnu)
(= clr_flag 1)
(set_buffer curr_buff)
(macro menu_up
(if (! (up))
(return 0)
(drop_anchor 3)
(return 1)
(macro menu_down
(if (inq_position)
(return 0)
(drop_anchor 3)
(return 1)
(macro clr_move
(string clr_line)
(= clr_line (trim (read)))
(= clr_flag 0)
(clr_del 1)
(error "Move Color: Up/Down-Insert,Append (I,A)")
(assign_to_key "<Down-Arrow>" "menu_down")
(assign_to_key "<Up-Arrow>" "menu_up")
(assign_to_key "a" "clr_move_upd 1")
(assign_to_key "A" "clr_move_upd 1")
(assign_to_key "i" "clr_move_upd 2")
(assign_to_key "I" "clr_move_upd 2")
(if (== clr_flag 2)
(insert "\n")
(insert "\n")
(insert clr_line)
(drop_anchor 3)
(message "Color Moved...")
(macro clr_move_upd
(get_parm 0 clr_flag)
(macro clr_del
(int clr_del_parm)
(get_parm 0 clr_del_parm)
(if (== clr_del_parm 0)
(if (! (up))
(error "Cannot delete default color")
(return 0)
(if (inq_position)
(drop_anchor 3)
(message "Color deleted...")
(macro clr_edit
(int clr_edit_buf)
(int clr_bg clr_nt clr_st clr_nm clr_em clr_bw clr_last_bg)
(int clr_sv_bg clr_sv_nt clr_sv_st clr_sv_nm clr_sv_em clr_sv_bw)
(string clr_string clr_desc_str)
(global clr_bg clr_nt clr_st clr_nm clr_em clr_bw clr_last_bg)
(= clr_flag 0)
(= clr_string (compress (read)))
(= clr_desc_str (substr clr_string 1 (- (index clr_string ";") 1)))
(search_fwd ";color")
(next_char 7)
(= clr_bg (atoi (read 1)))
(next_char 2)
(= clr_nt (atoi (read 2)))
(next_char 3)
(= clr_st (atoi (read 2)))
(next_char 3)
(= clr_nm (atoi (read 2)))
(next_char 3)
(= clr_em (atoi (read 2)))
(next_char 3)
(= clr_bw (atoi (read 1)))
(= clr_sv_bg clr_bg)
(= clr_sv_nt clr_nt)
(= clr_sv_st clr_st)
(= clr_sv_nm clr_nm)
(= clr_sv_em clr_em)
(= clr_sv_bw clr_bw)
(= clr_edit_buf (create_buffer "EDIT COLORS" NULL 1))
(set_buffer clr_edit_buf)
(insert " Background =")
(sprintf clr_string "%2d" clr_bg)
(insert clr_string)
(insert ";1\n")
(insert " Normal Text =")
(sprintf clr_string "%2d" clr_nt)
(insert clr_string)
(insert ";2\n")
(insert " Selected Title =")
(sprintf clr_string "%2d" clr_st)
(insert clr_string)
(insert ";3\n")
(insert " Normal Message =")
(sprintf clr_string "%2d" clr_nm)
(insert clr_string)
(insert ";4\n")
(insert " Error Message =")
(sprintf clr_string "%2d" clr_em)
(insert clr_string)
(insert ";5\n")
(insert " Borderless Window =")
(sprintf clr_string "%d" clr_bw)
(insert clr_string)
(insert ";6\n")
(insert " Description =")
(insert clr_desc_str)
(insert ";7")
(goto_line 1)
(drop_anchor 3)
(create_window 3 19 22 11 "F10 to Set")
(attach_buffer clr_edit_buf)
(assign_to_key "<Down-Arrow>" "sel_down")
(assign_to_key "<Up-Arrow>" "sel_up")
(assign_to_key "<Left-Arrow>" "clr_left_right 0")
(assign_to_key "<Right-Arrow>" "clr_left_right 1")
(assign_to_key "<Enter>" "clr_desc")
(assign_to_key "<F10>" "clr_done")
(assign_to_key "<Esc>" "clr_esc")
(goto_line 7)
(= clr_string (compress (read)))
(= clr_desc_str (substr clr_string (+ (index clr_string "=") 1)
(- (index clr_string ";") (+ (index clr_string "=") 1))))
(color clr_sv_bg clr_sv_nt clr_sv_st clr_sv_nm clr_sv_em)
(delete_buffer clr_edit_buf)
(set_buffer clr_buf_mnu)
(if (== clr_flag 1)
(clr_update clr_desc_str)
(macro sel_down
(if (menu_down)
(macro sel_up
(if (menu_up)
(macro clr_left_right
(int clr_l_r clr_line)
(get_parm 0 clr_l_r)
(search_fwd ";")
(= clr_line (atoi (read 1)))
(if (== clr_line 7)
(error "Use Enter key to change Description...")
(return 0)
(if (== clr_l_r 0)
(clr_left clr_line)
(clr_right clr_line)
(macro clr_left
(int clr_line)
(string new_clr)
(get_parm 0 clr_line)
(switch clr_line
(if (> clr_bg 0)
(-- clr_bg)
(= clr_bg 7)
(sprintf new_clr "=%1d;" clr_bg)
(if (> clr_nt 0)
(-- clr_nt)
(= clr_nt 15)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_nt)
(if (> clr_st 0)
(-- clr_st)
(= clr_st 15)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_st)
(if (> clr_nm 0)
(-- clr_nm)
(= clr_nm 15)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_nm)
(if (> clr_em 0)
(-- clr_em)
(= clr_em 15)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_em)
(if (> clr_bw 0)
(-- clr_bw)
(= clr_bw 7)
(sprintf new_clr "=%1d;" clr_bw)
(translate "=*;" new_clr 0)
(macro clr_right
(int clr_line)
(string new_clr)
(get_parm 0 clr_line)
(switch clr_line
(if (< clr_bg 7)
(++ clr_bg)
(= clr_bg 0)
(sprintf new_clr "=%1d;" clr_bg)
(if (< clr_nt 15)
(++ clr_nt)
(= clr_nt 0)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_nt)
(if (< clr_st 15)
(++ clr_st)
(= clr_st 0)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_st)
(if (< clr_nm 15)
(++ clr_nm)
(= clr_nm 0)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_nm)
(if (< clr_em 15)
(++ clr_em)
(= clr_em 0)
(sprintf new_clr "=%2d;" clr_em)
(if (< clr_bw 7)
(++ clr_bw)
(= clr_bw 0)
(sprintf new_clr "=%1d;" clr_bw)
(translate "=*;" new_clr 0)
(macro clr_desc
(string get_desc clr_read trans_string)
(= clr_read (compress (read)))
(search_fwd ";")
(if (!= (atoi (read 1)) 7)
(error "Enter valid for Description only (F10 to Set)")
(return 0)
(get_parm NULL get_desc "Enter Description : " 24
(substr clr_read (+ (index clr_read "=") 1)
(- (index clr_read ";") (+ (index clr_read "=") 1))))
(if (search_string ";" get_desc)
(error "Invalid character (;) in description...")
(return 0)
(sprintf trans_string "=%s;" get_desc)
(translate "=*;" trans_string 0)
(macro clr_done
(int error_flag)
(= error_flag 0)
(if (|| (== clr_bg clr_nt) (== clr_bg clr_st))
(= error_flag 1)
(if (|| (== clr_bg clr_nm) (== clr_bg clr_em))
(= error_flag 1)
(if (|| (== clr_bw clr_nt) (== clr_bw clr_st))
(= error_flag 1)
(if (|| (== clr_bw clr_nm) (== clr_bw clr_em))
(= error_flag 1)
(if (== error_flag 1)
(error "COLOR ERROR - A text color = a background color")
(return 0)
(message " ")
(= clr_flag 1)
(macro clr_esc
(message " ")
(macro color_it
(int clr_line)
(search_fwd ";")
(= clr_line (atoi (read 1)))
(if (|| (== clr_line 1) (== clr_line 7))
(= clr_last_bg clr_bg)
(if (== clr_line 6)
(= clr_last_bg clr_bw)
(color clr_last_bg clr_nt clr_st clr_nm clr_em)
(macro disp_color_msg
(string clr_read)
(= clr_read (compress (read)))
(search_fwd ";")
(if (== (atoi (read 1)) 5)
(error "%s" (substr clr_read 1 (- (index clr_read ";") 1)))
(message "%s" (substr clr_read 1 (- (index clr_read ";") 1)))
(macro clr_update
(int clr_ins_mode)
(string clr_desc_str work_str)
(get_parm 0 clr_desc_str)
(error "New Color: Up/Down - Chg,Ins,Append (C,I,A)")
(assign_to_key "<Down-Arrow>" "menu_down")
(assign_to_key "<Up-Arrow>" "menu_up")
(assign_to_key "c" "clr_upd 0")
(assign_to_key "C" "clr_upd 0")
(assign_to_key "a" "clr_upd 1")
(assign_to_key "A" "clr_upd 1")
(assign_to_key "i" "clr_upd 2")
(assign_to_key "I" "clr_upd 2")
(= clr_ins_mode (insert_mode 1))
(if (== clr_flag 0)
(= clr_flag 2)
(if (== clr_flag 2)
(insert "\n")
(insert "\n")
(sprintf work_str "%-24s;color " clr_desc_str)
(insert work_str)
(sprintf work_str "%1d " clr_bg)
(insert work_str)
(sprintf work_str "%2d " clr_nt)
(insert work_str)
(sprintf work_str "%2d " clr_st)
(insert work_str)
(sprintf work_str "%2d " clr_nm)
(insert work_str)
(sprintf work_str "%2d;" clr_em)
(insert work_str)
(sprintf work_str "%1d " clr_bw)
(insert work_str)
(insert_mode clr_ins_mode)
(drop_anchor 3)
(message " ")
(macro clr_upd
(get_parm 0 clr_flag)